Visiting Research Fellow

Anette Homlong Storeide

Prof. Dr. Anette Homlong Storeide

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim/Norway
German and European Studies

Room: GAFO 02/378
Tel.: + 49 (0)234 32 19862

Personal Data:
Anette Homlong Storeide is an Associate Professor in German and European Cultural History at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim/Norway (since 2011) and simultaneously Senior Researcher at the Falstad Memorial Centre (in the former SS Prison Camp Falstad near Trondheim) (since 2017).
During her one-year research fellowship at the RUB's Institute for Diaspora Research and Genocide Studies Anette Homlong Storeide is working on her research and publication project The Global Turn? Holocaust Remembrance and Genocide Education in the 21st Century. The fellowship is funded by the NTNU to strengthen international cooperation.

Research Interests:
• History of National Socialism and WWII, history of the concentration- camp-system, Holocaust
• Forms of Memory and of Remembering
• Memory Politics (national, transnational, European, global)
• History of the Memorial Sites in former Nazi concentration camps
• Memorial Sites, Memorials and Monuments as ‘sites of memory’
• Digitalization, Memory und Narrative
• Norms and Algorithms related to Memory and ‘Bildung’
• Survivors of Nazi persecution and their testimonies
• Transitional Justice

On-going Research:
• The Norwegian research project “In a World of Total War: Norway 1939-1945” (funded with 19,600,000 NKR by the Norwegian Research Council), a collaborative research project by NTNU, the University of Tromsö (project management) and the Department of Defence Studies (IFS) in Oslo. Project duration: 2016-2020. Sub-project on collaboration, forms of memory and memory politics.

• The European research project iC-ACCESS; “Accessing Campscapes: Inclusive Strategies for Using European Conflicted Heritage” (funded by the HERA Joint Research Programme “Uses of the Past”), headed by Rob van der Laarse (University of Amsterdam). Project duration: 2016-2019. Participation on behalf of Falstad Memorial Centre with the construction of the application ‚Falstad Digital Reconstruction‘.

• The Norwegian research project MeMin; „The Mediated Memorial Site“ (supported with 1,200,000 NKR by the Arts Council Norway), a collaborative research project conducted by NTNU and Falstad Memorial Centre (project management) on the digitalization of history and cultural heritage and the possibilities and challenges which digital technologies present for the transmission of history and culture. The project is connected to the iC-ACCESS-project. Project duration: 2019-2020. Sub-project on the ‚Aura of Authenticity‘ in the digital age.

• The Norwegian-French research group „’Bildung’ in the age of algorithms“ (project management by NTNU), which has been organizing workshops on ‘Bildung’, digitalization and algorithmic thinking since 2017. As a result of this work, the group submitted a four-years’ grant application to the Norwegian Research Council entitled „Algorithms we live by: Norms and Narrations in the Rule of Law and Memory Politics“ in April 2019. Sub-project on the impact of digitalization, mass data storage and the construction of mnemopolitical norms and standards of memorizing the Holocaust and WWII.

Selected Publications:
• (2019) “Local and National Memories in a Transnational Age: The Case of Norway”, in International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society (in print)
• (2019) “Constructing the ‚Seventh Million?’ Holocaust and National Identity in Contemporary Israel”, in Tore Petersen (ed.): Contemporary Israel in a Turbulent Region: Politics, Economics and Security, Routledge
• (2019) (With Wolfram Kaiser) “International Organizations and Holocaust Remembrance: From Europe to the World”, in International Journal of Cultural Policy No. 1 (Online Publication in February 2018)
• (2017) “Angst, Anpassung oder Anregung? Die norwegische Leichtmetallindustrie unter deutscher Besatzung 1940-45”, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 58/1
• (2016) (With Ketil Gjølme Andersen) “Diversification and Collaboration: Norsk Hydro, IG Farben and the German light metal program”, in Hans Otto Frøland, Mats Ingulstad and Jonas Scherner (eds.): Industrial Cooperation in Nazi-Occupied Europe: Norway in Context, Basingstoke
• (2014) Norske krigsprofitører: Nazi-Tysklands velvillige medløpere (research monograph on economic collaboration in Norway during the German occupation 1940-45), Oslo
• (2013) „Kvinner i fangenskap under andre verdenskrig“ (article on women in Nazi captivity during WWII), in Falstadsenteret (ed.), Kvinneavdelingen (Catalogue for the exhibition on the women’s section in the SS Prison Camp Falstad), Trondheim (with English translation)
• (2012) “Which Narrative of Auschwitz? A narrative Analysis of Laurence Rees’ documentary Auschwitz and the Final Solution”, in Jakob Lothe, Susan Suleiman and Jim Phelan (eds.), After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future, Columbus/Ohio
• (2011) “’Han vet at det er sant, for han har vært der’ – tidsvitner som historieformidlere” (chapter on the inclusion of survivors and their testimonies in educational programmes for schools and memorial sites), in Claudia Lenz und Trond Risto Nilssen (eds.), Fortiden i nåtiden (anthology on the role of the past in/for the present with special regard to didactical aspects of history), Oslo
• (2011) (With Claudia Lenz) “Hvem er heltene? Tidsvitnefortellinger sett i lys av tradisjonelle kjønnsmønstre” (chapter on the possibilities and challenges of adapting gender perspectives when analysing survivors’ testimonies), in Claudia Lenz und Trond Risto Nilssen (eds.), Fortiden i nåtiden (anthology on the role of the past in/for the present with special regard to didactical aspects of history), Oslo
• (2011) „Arven etter Hitler i tysk littertur og film etter 1989“ (article on the presentation of Nazi Germany in German literature and film since 1989), in Stiftelsen Arkivet (Hrsg.), Nytt blikk, Kristiansand
• (2010) Arven etter Hitler: Tysklands oppgjør med naziregimet (research monograph on Germany’s post-war political, historical, social and cultural dealings with the ‘Third Reich’ 1945-2010), Oslo. Translated into Danish: Arven efter Hitler: Tysklands opgør med naziregimet, Copenhagen, 2010
• (2010) "Brutalitet og dannelse" (article on Nazi perpetrators with regard to the aspects of brutality and ‘Bildung’), in Vagant, No. 3
• (2008) "The Transformation of Memories: The Witness as a Survivor and as a Suffering Witness", in Ulrik Ekman and Frederik Tygstrup (eds.), Witness, Representation, and the Media in Question, Copenhagen
• (2008) "Helden, Täter, Opfer: Erinnerung und Verdrängung im Umgang mit der Okkupationszeit in Norwegen", in Norrøna, No. 2
• (2007) Fortellingen om fangenskapet (a rewritten and Norwegian version of the PhD thesis on Norwegian inmates of the concentration-camp Sachsenhausen and their memories), Oslo
• (2007) Das Schreiben über die KZ-Gefangenschaft: Eine Analyse von Zeugnissen norwegischer Überlebender des KZ Sachsenhausen, PhD, Oslo
• (2007) "Tidsvitners fortellinger fra konsentrasjonsleiren Sachsenhausen" (article on the testimonies of Norwegian survivors of the concentration-camp Sachsenhausen), in Fortid, No. 2
• (2007) "Vitnesbyrdet om fangenskapet – mellom historie, litteratur og minnepolitikk" (research article on the conceptualization of survivors’ testimonies as history, literature and/or memory(politics)), in ARR – idehistorisk tidsskrift, No.1
• (2006) (With Jakob Lothe) Tidsvitner: Fortellinger fra Auschwitz og Sachsenhausen (a collection of interviews with survivors of Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen), Oslo
• (2006) "Testimonies of Survivors and the Research on World War II", in Willy Østreng (ed.), Consilience: Interdisciplinary Communications 2005/2006, Oslo
• (2004) "Überlebende des Konzentrationslagers Sachsenhausen in der norwegischen Erinnerungskultur", in Ralph Gabriel (eds.), Lagersystem und Repräsentation: interdisziplinäre Studien zur Geschichte der Konzentrationslager, Tübingen
• (2004) "Versenkt, vergessen und verdrängt. Die Odyssee des Per Torhaug und seines Romans Waldkommando” (epilogue), in Per Torhaug, Das Waldkommando, Berlin

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